Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ahhh, The Eve Is Upon Us!

So here it is boys (and ladies it would seem, how cool are we?). Friday night is soon to be upon us. And as it comes, it bestows upon us the many opportunities to rack up a few more bars on the killed list. Another chance for a bar owner and their wait staff to wonder, "What the hell was I thinking letting that crowd blow in???". There is a hitch in the giddy up for the evening though. If you want to be in the club, you will need to arrive wearing a pro sports team shirt or jersey. Hats do not count. And before one of you asks, yes we will allow you to wear a soccer jersey. It has to be pro though. Brazilian National team does not count. Keep in mind though, you will be trekking through a constant barrage of "Look at the homo in the soccer jersey!". I mean from us, not the other patrons. Any real sport will work. Don't try to pull the "Ryder/Davis Cup" white Polo crap either...I am way ahead of that one.
JJ's Cantina - 2000(ish) - Pro sports shirt/jersey.

1 comment:

  1. Dude I want that Whaler jersey!! I'll trade a Steve Largent jersey for it!
