Sunday, August 23, 2009

Slow But Busy Night

1) The Blood Club
2) The People

So, we've never gotten as bad as home boy on the bench.
We started at Blood Club. Very much a Juicy bar. There were a couple of real losers in there. One dude paying one of the girls a large sum of money for some reason...hmmm...why would a goofy looking drunk give a pretty girl a pile of cash? Another loser with one hand up a Juicy's shirt and his other hand up her skirt. Real winners of guys. Are people really that desperate?
We rolled to the People next. Good view, decent music. The drinks were tiny. Just a bit bigger than a shot glass, and VERY weak. We needed to ask to make sure that she actually put rum in with the coke. Pretty slow night. FNG and I had to resolve a personal issue with the local authorities. The Don ran away...he don't do well with the cops. Decent night over all.

1 comment:

  1. I have no problem with cops...just ones that aren't on the payroll yet.

    I think the biggest gain of the weekend is the discovery that we can get Budweiser for about the same price as OB. My skull is happy.
